The Truth About the Economy

Well, part of it anyway. Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich explains the part about the recent shift of the tax burden, the bankrupting of the government, and the war against the middle-class.

3 responses to “The Truth About the Economy

  1. This is so obviously slanted its ridiculous. Tax the rich. How? By the use of government. Why not eliminate the government, and you eliminate the control of taxes by the rich.

    Raise the wages of the middle class. Yeah, right.


  2. Pingback: My Summer 2011 Newsletter « Beyond Money

  3. I heard a bunch of class warfare(what the bankers want) rhetoric, while no mention of the fact that bankers simply parasite off of the producing public by charging a compounding rental fee for currency. And controlling the amount of currency in circulation at any given time, thus causing stocks to fluctuate as a whole(insider information).


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