Newsletter, June 2023 — The Emerging New Civilization

In this issue:

  • The Emerging New Civilization
  • Fifth generation warfare and Sovereignty
  • American History too Hot to Ignore
  • Recent Interviews and Posts

The Emerging New Civilization

Is our civilization collapsing? If so, what can be done about it? Can it still somehow be saved? If, not, what will be the impact on people in various places and cultures? What sorts of new systems and structures will emerge to take the place of the old?

These are some of the questions that my longtime friend and correspondent, Prof. Jem Bendell, addresses in his new book titled, BREAKING TOGETHER – a freedom-loving response to collapse. Having received and read an advance copy, I’ve been deeply impressed with the depth of Jem’s research and clarity of vision, and moved by his personal story of mind-change and commitment to advancing the common good. Far from doom and gloom, the message of this book is hopeful and inspiring.

In his introductory chapter, Recognising and Responding to Collapse, Prof. Bendell addresses these topics:

  • Finding our bearings in a world that’s lost
  • What is collapsing?
  • Why is this perspective not widely known?
  • Allowing the emotion of it all
  • From repentance to radicalization
  • Freedom from the failing of fables
  • Freeing humanity to our true nature
  • Breaking together

I strongly recommend that you listen to a reading of that chapter at SoundCloud. For information on purchasing Prof. Bendell’s, book, or to receive a free copy as an e-book, go to his website.

Following along the same lines as Prof. Bendell’s book, and drawing heavily from it, W. Aaron Vandiver asks,  Can We Reboot the Environmental Movement — So It Protects Freedom, Too?” Here are a few excerpts:

“Backlash against the COVID-19 fiasco of the last three years is building among a public that is slowly waking up to the unprecedented power grab and wealth transfer that took place under cover of a pandemic.”

“Can a coalition be built in a divided and suffering population to combat the political and economic nexus — namely the corrupt merger of state and corporate power — that is ruining the health of the people and the planet, and trampling our rights and freedoms in the process?”

“He (Prof. Jem Bendell) writes (in his new book, Breaking Together) that “climate concern is being highjacked by a mix of corporate profiteers and authoritarians, so that ineffective and counterproductive policies are being implemented and thereby generating a backlash against any kind of concerted action.”

His proposed solution is to reboot environmentalism into an “eco-libertarian” movement that seeks to protect both our freedoms and the environment from big corporations, corrupt governments and Davos elites.”

“In the overlap between the Left and Right versions of the popular revolt against the corrupt merger of state and corporate power, laid bare by the glaring abuses of the COVID-19 era, there may be room for unexpected political bedfellows to build a broad-based movement that appeals to significant segments of the electorate.”

Indeed, I’ve been seeing the emergence of what may become “a new grassroots populist majority that transcends the old boundaries of left, right, and green, liberal and conservative, rural and urban.” If we are to save democracy, the environment, and our very humanity, and build a just and equitable “new civilization,” we must overcome our knee-jerk reactions, listen deeply to each other, look at all the evidence, and build new alliances that transcend old labels and political rivalries.  ____________________________
Fifth generation warfare and Sovereignty

“Fifth generation warfare is a war of information and perception,” and you are the enemy. In his excellent presentation, Dr. Robert Malone outlines the strategies, tactics, and technologies that are being used by “the national security state” to manipulate people’s emotions, and shape our thoughts, attitudes, values, and beliefs. He states that, “In fifth generation warfare your mind is the battleground,” and gives us guidance on how we can shield ourselves and ultimately win.

Dr. Malone has followed that up with an article that poses the question, Are Independent Nation-States Obsolete?

American History too Hot to Ignore

In this interview, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recounts some essential history of his uncle’s Presidency, including his continuous battle with and the CIA and “the military-industrial complex” that President Eisenhower warned us against. Kennedy says flatly that “…the case against the CIA in the assassination of my uncle is beyond a reasonable doubt.” You can view a one minute video of his assertion from the New York Post.

The Most Dangerous Man in America is a documentary film about Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers. I first viewed it prior to its release in 2009 and then, a few days ago I got together with some friends and watched it again (on Kanopy). In light of what has transpired in the interim, it seems even more important now for people to be aware of it and grasp the significance of its message. In this interview with The Guardian (UK), looking back 50 years, Ellsberg says, “I’ve never regretted doing it.”

“The man who exposed US lies about the Vietnam war says the culture of official secrecy is worse today. But he urges whistleblowers: ‘Don’t wait years till the bombs are falling and people have been dying’”

My Recent Interviews and Posts

My latest interview with Alasdair Lord

In this interview I provide a succinct description of the present central banking, interest-based, debt money system and its dysfunctional nature, the global crisis that it has resulted from it, and what we can do to transcend it.

My conversation with Emily Peyton and Jim Hoag

In this conversation we discuss our collective predicament and what people are doing to preserve our freedoms, assert our rights, and build a better world.

My archives, and new additions to the Beyond Money Library

This post will be of particular interest both to monetary and economic researchers, and to practitioners. It describes my sizable and unique collection of books, pamphlets and other print materials, many of which are available in digital format, and announces a couple important additions, specifically, Ralph Borsodi’s, Inflation is Coming and What to Do About It, and, Hugo Bilgram’s, A Study of the Money Question.

And, in case you missed it, I’d suggest that you read my, Private Currency Vouchers: an Answer to the Money Problem.

Finally, I have agreed to present at an Anti-authoritarian gathering in Switzerland on the 21st of July. I will most likely participate remotely to avoid depleting my strength with a long intercontinental journey.  The gathering is billed as Anarchy 2023, but don’t be put off by that label. Oligarchs and despots have sullied the word “anarchy” by equating it with chaos, but the true meaning of the word “anarchy” is “without rulers,” it raises the question of the true locus of sovereignty and seeks the empowerment of people instead of kings, emperors, presidents and “representatives” that inevitably become repressive and tyrannical.

Wishing you a pleasant summer season,


One response to “Newsletter, June 2023 — The Emerging New Civilization

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