Daily Archives: March 25, 2012

Toward a sane economics

This TEDx video by Peter Joseph, creator of the Zeitgeist movies series, contrasts two opposing economic frameworks that need to be considered in transcending our present global predicament. He shows that the entire incentive structure of the dominant paradigm of political economy is all wrong, and outlines some of the necessary attributes of a sustainable earth-friendly economy.

The presentation does not get into the how-to-do-it, but provides a good starting point for working out the necessary transition to what I’ve been calling “The Butterfly Economy. My basic prescription for that involves radical sharing, collaboration, restructuring, and rebuilding our society from the bottom, on up, household to neighborhood, to community, to bioregion, including all of our non-geographic affinity groups. Begin with the people and businesses you already know and trust.

Please take ten minutes to view the video.