Category Archives: Exchange Design

Upcoming interview Saturday on TNT Radio

I am scheduled to be interviewed by Bruce de Torres on his World Stage program on Saturday, February 24, 2024 during the first segment of the program from 2 PM to 3 PM Eastern time (11 AM to Noon Pacific time, Noon to 1 PM Arizona time). You can tune in to listen live at

2023 August Newsletter — Monetary Tyranny, the End of Dollar Dominance, and a World in Crisis

In this issue:

  • The Tyranny that is the Global Money System
  • The Final Chapter for Dollar Dominance
  • From Wall Street to Main Street
  • Col. Douglas Mac Gregor
  • In case you missed it…

The Tyranny that is the Global Money System
My new video has emerged out of the power point slide presentations I gave earlier this summer. It is a greatly improved description of the tyrannical nature of the global political money regime, how it has evolved, how it operates, and how we can free ourselves from its grip. Based on my more than 40 years of research, experience, and innovation in the realm of value exchange and finance, it succinctly reveals the truth about the money power, and more importantly, outlines tried-and-true exchange mechanisms by which people, businesses, and communities everywhere can transcend their dependence upon political money and bank borrowing by taking control of their own credit and using it in ways that can bring about a world of peace, justice, and freedom in which everyone can thrive.  

Read the entire newsletter  here or here, and you can Subscribe to receive my future occasional newsletters.

What can AI do?

To satisfy my curiosity about AI, and ChatGPT in particular, I’ve been posing certain questions to it and been pleasantly surprised by the results. ChatGPT uses information that was publicly available online up to September 2021, so the responses that it generates will not include recent changes.

Here is one of my requests which, while much shorter, pretty well summarizes what I myself have written about the matter. I present it here for your information and your comments.

THG: Summarize the unique features of the work of Thomas H. Greco, Jr. on money and economics.


5/5 Thomas H. Greco, Jr. is known for his groundbreaking work on money and economics, focusing on alternative monetary systems and local economies. Some of the unique features of his work include:

  1. Decentralized Monetary Systems: Greco advocates for the development of decentralized and community-based monetary systems that empower individuals and local communities to create their own means of exchange. He emphasizes the importance of currencies that are not controlled by centralized authorities like governments or banks.
  2. Complementary Currencies: Greco promotes the idea of complementary currencies, which are designed to work alongside national currencies to facilitate local transactions and trade. These currencies are often tailored to specific communities or regions and can help stimulate local economies.
  3. Democratization of Money Creation: He challenges the conventional model of money creation by banks and governments. Greco believes in the democratization of money issuance, allowing communities to create their own money based on real value and resources.
  4. Mutual Credit Systems: Greco’s work includes the concept of mutual credit systems, where participants can extend credit to one another within a network. This can foster cooperation and exchange without the need for traditional banking intermediaries.
  5. Localized Economies: He emphasizes the importance of localized economies that prioritize community resilience and sustainability. Greco’s work encourages communities to rely more on local production and resources to reduce dependency on distant supply chains.
  6. Interest-Free Economics: Greco criticizes the conventional practice of charging interest on loans and believes that interest-free systems could lead to more equitable distribution of wealth and resources.
  7. Advocacy for Change: Through his writings and lectures, Greco advocates for individuals, communities, and governments to explore and implement alternative economic and monetary systems. He believes that a shift away from the current monetary paradigm could lead to more just and sustainable economies.

In summary, Thomas H. Greco, Jr.’s work revolves around reimagining money and economics by proposing alternative monetary systems, promoting decentralized currencies, advocating for interest-free economies, and encouraging the development of localized, community-based economic structures. His ideas challenge conventional economic thinking and aim to create more resilient, equitable, and sustainable societies.

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Update: Monday, August 28, 2023
This iteration is a bit more complete:

Thomas H. Greco, Jr. is known for his unique contributions to the fields of money and economics, particularly in the realm of alternative currencies and monetary systems. Some of the key features of his work include:

  1. Local and Complementary Currencies: Greco emphasizes the importance of local and complementary currencies as tools for promoting economic resilience and community development. He advocates for the creation of currencies that are tailored to specific communities or regions, helping to stimulate local economic activity and reduce dependence on centralized national currencies.
  2. Decentralization of Money Creation: A central theme in Greco’s work is the decentralization of money creation. He believes that allowing communities to create their own currencies empowers them to meet their specific needs, bypassing the traditional centralized banking system and enabling greater control over their economic destiny.
  3. Credit Clearing Systems: Greco explores the concept of credit clearing systems, which facilitate transactions without the need for traditional currency. These systems work by enabling participants to exchange goods and services directly based on mutual credit agreements, reducing the reliance on scarce official currency.
  4. Integral Theory and Economics: Greco integrates principles of integral theory into his economic thinking, considering not only economic factors but also social, ecological, and cultural dimensions. He emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to economics that takes into account the interconnectedness of various aspects of human life.
  5. Monetary Reform Advocacy: Greco is an advocate for monetary reform, particularly in response to issues such as inflation, financial instability, and wealth inequality. He proposes alternative monetary systems that prioritize stability, fairness, and sustainability.
  6. Educational Efforts: Beyond his academic work, Greco is involved in educational efforts to raise awareness about alternative currencies and monetary systems. He has authored books and conducted workshops to help individuals and communities better understand and implement these concepts.
  7. Focus on Empowerment: One of the overarching themes of Greco’s work is empowering individuals and communities to have a greater say in their economic affairs. He believes that by rethinking the way money is created and circulated, people can gain more control over their economic lives and reduce their vulnerability to systemic financial crises.
  8. Sustainability and Resilience: Greco’s work aligns with the principles of sustainability and resilience. By promoting local economies and alternative currencies, he aims to create systems that are more environmentally friendly and less susceptible to the boom-and-bust cycles of traditional monetary systems.

In summary, Thomas H. Greco, Jr.’s work on money and economics revolves around the development of local and complementary currencies, decentralization of money creation, credit clearing systems, integral theory integration, monetary reform advocacy, educational initiatives, empowerment, and a focus on sustainability and resilience. His ideas challenge conventional economic thinking and offer potential solutions for creating more equitable and community-driven economic systems.

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My conversation with Emily Peyton and Jim Hoag

In this conversation we discuss our collective predicament and what people are doing to preserve our freedoms, assert our rights, and build a better world.

2023 April Newsletter — The state of the world, and what’s being done about it.

In this issue:

  • Private and complementary currency systems: purposes, principles, practices, and performance.
  • Peace or Empire?
  • Disturbing Thoughts (about the economy)

Private and complementary currency systems: purposes, principles, practices, and performance is now online.
            In October of last year (2022) I gave a remote presentation to the 6th Biennial RAMICS International Congress in Bulgaria. RAMICS is the Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems, which includes both academics and practitioners. In my illustrated presentation titled, Private and complementary currency systems: purposes, principles, practices, and performance, I provided a concise summary of key points and fundamental principles that need to be understood in order to transcend the dysfunctional and destructive political money system by decentralizing the control of credit and creating honest and effective, non-political exchange media. Here is an abstract of its contents.  
Through the generous assistance and editing work of Ken Richings, the presentation is now available for viewing on YouTube.
Peace or Empire?
            Dennis Kucinich at Rage Against the War Machine
At the February 19 anti-war rally in Washington, DC, former US Congressman Dennis Kucinich made an inspired call for peace, justice, compassion, and an end to corruption in government. I don’t believe that any reasonable person of good would disagree with his message. In a subsequent message, Can they ‘repeal’ the dead? Ask Orwell, Kucinich recounts the criminal invasion of Iraq by the US in 2003, the lies which were used to justify it, and its tremendous cost in material resources and lost lives. Another major consequence has been an erosion of trust in the US government both at home and abroad.
            Graham E. Fuller, in this recent post, outlines the Long Term Implications of the US destruction of Nordstream 2 Pipeline.
            The achievement of peace in the world requires mutual respect and good faith negotiations, but unfortunately, peace is not the goal of those who have for some time been in control the US government under administrations of both parties, rather, they are bent on achieving “full spectrum dominance” and have chosen to restart the Cold War in hopes of weakening Russia and forcing it into line with the agenda of the New World Order in which the Western powers control all the Earth’s resources. If you want to get a more accurate picture of what’s actually been going on in eastern Europe, pay attention to former Marine and UN nuclear weapons inspector, Scott Ritter starting with his post, Give peace a chance.
            Economist Michael Hudson adds his voice to the matter, arguing that Germany has become an economic satellite of America’s New Cold War with Russia, China and the rest of Eurasia.
            And to round out the story of why the world is now on the brink of an unprecedented catastrophe, listen to the ever insightful Noam Chomsky, still sharp and coherent at age 94, speak about Putin, Ukraine, China, and Nuclear War.
Disturbing Thoughts (about the economy)
            John Mauldin is “a visionary thinker, a noted financial expert, a New York Times best-selling author.”  I’ve been a subscriber to his Mauldin Economics newsletter for at least a couple years. This edition seems particularly important, especially the section titled, “We’re Going to Have a Crisis.”
Citing the recent bank failures and the government’s decision to insure even the uninsured depositors, Mauldin observes that deposits will inevitably be withdrawn from smaller banks and placed in banks that are considered “too big to fail.” He argues that a major change is needed but that, “Our political system is sadly not up to the task. The current structure is all we have, and it won’t improve until a crisis forces change.” He quite emphatically concludes that “…the situation demands changes. Which means—and I don’t say this lightly—we’re going to have a crisis which will give us that change.”
Mauldin continues with an analysis of the developing crisis, particularly with regard to small banks’ exposure to declining asset values in commercial real estate.  You can read the entire newsletter at Mauldin Economics.
            In April the Sonoran desert blooms, the fragrance of orange blossoms fills the air along with that of creosote bush, Palo Verde and a host of other plants. The winter chill has gone and the summer heat has not yet arrived. It is a particularly pleasant time to be here. I hope you are enjoying your home turf as much as I am mine.

Upcoming event: Exploring the Sustainability Challenge with Thomas H. Greco, Jr.

It should be clear by now that there are many aspects of our present civilization that are neither just and equitable nor sustainable. But in the midst of the deepening global mega-crisis we have the opportunity to re-imagine and reinvent the systems and structures that are failing us, particularly those of money and the exchange of value. In this event we will discuss practical ways to pay and be paid without the need to use the kind of money that we are accustomed to, ways that can empower our communities by rewarding those who produce and provide real value. Sign up today at Eventbrite.

2023 Winter Newsletter–Answers to the Money Problem, and the state of the World

In this isssue I describe what private currency vouchers are and how they can help solve the money problem that I’ve been writing about for the past 35 years. Here’s the full table of contents:

  • Private Currency Vouchers, an Answer to the Money Problem
  • History and current events
  • Other Historical Documentaries
  • Taming the corporate beast
  • It is 90 seconds to midnight
  • Pasta with broccoli

You can read the entire newsletter here or here. Subscribe to receive my future occasional newsletters.

Private Currency Vouchers: an Answer to the Money Problem

Unlike, government and central bank fiat currencies which promise nothing but their acceptance as tax payments, private currency vouchers promise to be redeemed for real valuable goods and services. If the issuer is trustworthy and can be counted on to honor their pledge of redemption, their currency vouchers can provide traders with an exchange and payment medium that is superior to government and central bank fiat monies. Such honest currencies are neither novel nor odd, but have a long history and are an absolute necessity for the decentralization of economic and political power and the emergence of a peaceful and equitable social order.  

So what sorts of entities can be trusted to keep their promises, how do they put their currencies into circulation, are such currencies legal, have such currencies ever been issued before? In brief, a currency voucher is spent into circulation when the issuer offers it as payment to a supplier, employee or a creditor, who accepts it as such. In the United States and most other “free” countries, private currency vouchers are entirely legal and there are numerous historical instances of their issuance and circulation. These questions and many other details have been fully answered over the years in my various writings and presentations, most of which have been posted or linked on my website,  Particularly relevant are my book, The End of Money and the Future of Civilization, as well as my 2021 presentation, Transcending the present political money system–the urgent need and the way to do it, and my 2021 webinar series, Our Money System – What’s Wrong with it and How to Fix it.

A few years ago I wrote up a proposal for a private currency voucher that I call the Solar Dollar which attracted some significant interest. My intention was twofold, one, to provide an independent payment medium for a local community, i.e., a currency that can be created outside of the banking system and thus empower participants in a local economy by compensating for shortages and mal-distribution of government fiat money, and two, to incentivize the shift of energy production, sales and usage toward solar and other renewable sources of electric power. My hope was that some electric utility company somewhere would implement the plan and become a model for others utilities to follow. That, unfortunately, has not yet happened but I am confident that it, or something like it, eventually will. In the meantime, I’ve continued to publicize it, and in 2021 I was invited to give a presentation titled, Solar Dollars–Empowering Communities While Powering Communities With Renewable Energy, for a virtual conference that was sponsored by the Zero Carbon Lab at the University of Hertfordshire (UK). Later that year, under the good auspices of Professor Ljubomir Jankovic, my original white paper was revised and published with the title, Solar Dollars: A Complementary Currency that Incentivizes Renewable Energy, in the academic journal, Frontiers in Built Environment.

Overall, the primary objective of my work has been, and remains, the decentralization of financial, economic, and political power. The most promising strategy for achieving that is the design and deployment of private credit currencies that are spent into circulation by trusted issuers that are ready, willing, and able to redeem their currencies promptly for the real goods and services that are their normal stock in trade. By breaking the credit monopoly that the banking cartel presently holds, and empowering producers and sellers of real value, it then becomes possible to reverse the longstanding trend toward ever greater power and wealth in the hands of the global elite who have captured the machinery of finance, economics, and government.

The Solar Dollar is a special case and example of a private credit currency issued by a trusted producer and provider of real value, but similar objectives could be achieved by companies in other lines of business, for example, by:

  • The issuance of local Farm Produce Dollars that would be spent into circulation by a single local farmer or jointly by a cooperating group of local farmers and ranchers, or by
  • The issuance of local Shelter Certificates that are spent into circulation by a single local owner of rental property or jointly by a cooperating group of local owners of rental property, or by
  • The issuance of Service Certificates by a local provider of some sort of professional or household services, or jointly by a cooperating group of such service providers, or by
  • The issuance of currency vouchers by all of the above producers/providers and others  who band together to cooperatively issue a sound complementary currency under a common “brand.” Such a currency would provide a means of payment that is not only independent of the banking system but solidly backed by the combined production and distribution capacity of all participating businesses. (Many “community currencies” have been created over the years in many places around the world but virtually all of them are  “sold” for government fiat currencies which defeats the main objective of creating a currency that is independent of government and the banking system).

All of these currency vouchers or credits are able to circulate as payment media throughout their local communities to enable trading despite any scarcity or unavailability of official money. There are many historical and contemporary examples of such private credit instruments, so most of what I’m suggesting has already been shown to be workable. The main problem I have observed is getting producers of real value to recognize the power they already have and to exercise it on their own behalf and that of their communities.

In his 1944 book, Private Enterprise Money, E. C. Riegel made that point very clear, saying:

The stream of political monies from the beginning to the present day runs deep and dirty, yet to suggest that money can spring from any other source is to surprise if not even to dismay. So has tradition dulled men’s senses. No matter how often the state fails to supply a virtuous money system, men rush back to it in desperation and beg it to try again. Indeed, until we learn that the money power resides in us, we must abjectly beg the state to give us an exploitative system because we cannot return to a moneyless civilization. Yet, no matter how often and earnestly the state tries to provide a true money system, it must fail because of an inherent antipathy between the money issuing power and the taxing power. A money issuer must be a seller who bids for money, not a taxer who requisitions it in whole or in part, as politically expedient and without a quid pro quid.” — pp. 25-26.

Political democracy cannot work without economic democracy; and the money power is the franchise of the latter. — p. 35

It is the false concept of political money power that converts citizens into petitioners, and makes government a dispenser of patronage instead of a public servant. This power of patronage utterly destroys the democratic system of government – since the people cannot be both petitioners and rulers.” — pp. 78-79

Throughout my career as a monetary theorist, educator, and advisor, taking up where Riegel and others have left off, I have tried to influence producers, entrepreneurs, and social organizers toward effective action based on sound principles of credit allocation and management. But superstitious myths die hard and old habits are difficult to break. The great majority of people remain in thrall to official currencies. That is what the oligarchs depend upon to keep us in debt and under their control. I have learned to be patient and await the changes in financial, economic, and political conditions that will open people’s minds to adopting self-help and cooperative approaches to getting our needs met, specifically, the need for free and fair exchange of value in the marketplace.

Surely, the day will come, and is rapidly approaching, when the failures and demands of the dominant global central banking, political, interest-based, debt-money regime will become so clearly evident and abysmal that the only peaceful option will be for we-the-people to implement our own systems of exchange and finance grounded in our own initiative and judgment in allocating credit based on productive capacity and trustworthiness.

Diagram of the reciprocity circuit.
Issuance, circulation and redemption of Private Currency Vouchers
Issuance, circulation and redemption of Private Currency Vouchers


Webinar reprise: Our Money System – What’s Wrong with it and How to Fix it

Last year (2021) I gave a three part webinar presentation for The Henry George School of Social Science. In case you missed it, here is the description and the link to the recorded sessions. For each part you will find a list of recommended resources and references.

Our Money System – What’s Wrong with it and How to Fix it

A critical look at the present global system of money and banking, how it has evolved, why it is problematic, and where it is trending.

The series will also look into past, present, and future exchange and payment alternatives, like Depression-era script, local and private currencies, commercial trade exchanges and LETS systems that apply the “credit clearing” process, and the more recent emergence of crypto-currencies and blockchain ledgers and their potential role. It will include discussion of how these have evolved, their advantages, limitations and future potential and what needs to be done to take them to scale, their political and economic implications, and innovations that are making conventional money obsolete.

WHAT is money?

WHY do we need money?

WHAT is wrong with our money system?

Can we live without money?

HOW can business be conducted without money?

What are the economic, social and political implications of monetary policies and systems?

What is the likely impact of present day monetary innovations?

May 21 – Session 1 provided an overview of the present system of money and banking, how it has evolved, how and why it is problematic, and where it is trending. I spoke about the interest-based debt-money system, how it causes the growth imperative and the politicization of finance and exchange, and the political and economic consequences of its continuation. I outlined the fundamental concepts of exchange and finance and the principles upon which sound and sustainable systems are being developed. Participants were asked to read or listen to some specific materials in preparation of the subsequent sessions.

June 4 – Session 2 was more interactive and provided ample opportunity to discuss questions that were evoked by the previous session and the assignments, including topics like inflation, depressions, asset bubbles and busts, the savings and investment functions, and government responses to shocks like the 2008 financial crisis and the more recent pandemic. This lead into discussion about possible solutions to the problems caused by the present system, and the role of local currencies and other alternatives for the exchange of value.

June 18 – Session 3 concentrated on past, present, and future exchange and payment alternatives, like Depression-era scrip, local and private currencies, commercial trade exchanges and LETS systems that apply the “credit clearing” process, and the more recent emergence of crypto-currencies and blockchain ledgers and their potential role. It included discussion of how these have evolved, their advantages, limitations and future potential and what needs to be done to take them to scale.

To round out your education you can also read my recent articles.

Continue… Our Money System – What’s Wrong with it and How to Fix it

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Bitcoin, Blockchain, and the end of money as we’ve known it

Whether one likes it or not, the end of money as we’ve known it is at hand. From a more or less conventional perspective it may look something like what David G.W. Birch describes in his Forbes article, Payments In The Metaverse Will Be Huge, But They Won’t Be Based On Cryptocurrencies (Or People), but my view is rather different. Still, Birch highlights the three main issues that we both agree are crucial: trust, security and privacy.

I long ago concluded that ALL of our institutions, systems, and structures of western civilization have been thoroughly corrupted by greed and the hunger for power which are reactions to false beliefs and artificial scarcities. I take that as given and try to avoid being distracted by it while trying to keep my attention and energies focused on what I think I can do to change things. What that has meant for me has been to learn everything I could about the money system as it exists — its inherent dysfunctions and dishonesties, and to discover and develop better ways of performing the functions that money is supposed to serve, especially the function of reciprocal exchange of value. The decentralized allocation and control of credit is the key to creating an honest, efficient, and sustainable system of exchange, and there are well established ways of doing that without the need for political fiat monies. Many of these systems, like the WIR Economic Circle Cooperative and the scores of commercial trade (“barter”) exchanges, have been operating successfully for many decades or longer.

What remains to be done are:
1. The optimization of the procedures and protocols used in credit clearing systems like the scores of commercial trade exchanges now operating in many countries around the world, such as the optimizing prescriptions I’ve made in A Model Membership Agreement for a Credit Clearing Service contained in my book, The End of Money and the Future of Civilization, and,
2. The development of effective ways of dealing with interference from governments, banks, and the vested interests that is sure to come when these competing systems become big enough to be perceived as a threat to the status quo.

I consider the wave of cryptocurrencies that has emerged since the launch of Bitcoin to be attempts to address the second of these objectives by providing virtual commodities that are generated outside of the government/banking system and to hopefully provide some degree of anonymity and privacy in value exchange transactions. Those motivations are all well and good but reverting to the use of commodities, either virtual or real, as exchange media takes us back to a more primitive stage in the evolution of the reciprocal exchange process, and unlike real commodities, they have no inherent use value other than their use as media for speculation. Add to that the fact that the primary motivation in the creation of most “cryptocurrencies” or virtual “coins” has been profit seeking by their creators, and what we have now is a milieu that is littered with “shitcoins,” corruption, and fraud. It’s very difficult and time consuming to dig deeply enough to evaluate each new entry into the field, and I see no advantage in doing so.

However, the use of blockchain technology that accompanied the creation of Bitcoin may have a useful role to play in a credit clearing network or private credit currency as a way to create exchangeable “token” vouchers that represent a claim upon real valuable goods and services that the issuer has promised to deliver. Such vouchers would be real currencies.

Questions that need to answered about any currency:

  1. Who is the issuer?
  2. What is the value basis upon which the currency is issued?
  3. In what units is the currency denominated?
  4. Is the issuer, ready, willing and able to redeem the currency?
  5. Is the issuer credit-worthy, reliable, trust-worthy?
  6. Do they have the goods on hand or sufficient service capacity to deliver promptly?
  7. What are the terms of redemption? In what form? When? At what rate in relation to the units specified (face value, discount, etc.?)
  8. In what form does the currency exist? Paper notes, Physical tokens, Digital tokens, Ledger entries?
  9. What other characteristics of the currency contribute or detract from its use as an exchange medium?

If you want a comprehensive overview of my work and my vision, you can get most of it in the presentation I gave last year for the University of Hertfordshire., and if you want a deeper understanding of “the money problem” and its most promising solutions please read my book, The End of Money and the Future of Civilization, which is even more pertinent today than it was when first published.